Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Samsung 32" LED/LCD TV for potentially less than $100! ($150'ish at most)

If you're looking for a nice little (by today's standards) television, then you might want to check this out.  Read on ...

I found this deal on HERE.

It is for this nice little 32-inch TV:

See reviews on Amazon HERE.

So the price (with FREE shipping) on Dell.com is $247.99.  But you get a $125 Dell Promo e-Gift card emailed to you within a couple weeks after buying.  You can either use that for a future Dell purchase (within 3 months), or sell it on eBay (at a discount - should be worth at least close to $100).  So that's how you get down to a $150'ish price.

If you have a Discover card (see my post HERE), however, you can do MUCH better.  By shopping through Discover's shopping portal ("Discover Deals" - from you Discover online account), you can get 10% cash back.  And, as I discuss in my Discover post from yesterday, all of their cash-back rewards are doubled for the next 12 months.  So that's 20% off the $247.99 price you pay ... or nearly $50 ... getting you down to $100 or less total cost to you.

If you don't have a Discover card, you should seriously consider it ... because their shopping portal is a GREAT source of deals.

For now, if you don't have one, at least shop through TopCashBack.com and get 5% back (~$12.50).

Another option is to buy a Dell e-gift card at a discount to save a bit (~5%) on the payment.  You can search for the best priced gift cards for this (or anything you buy online) at GiftCardWiki.com or GiftCardGranny.com.

Finally, if 32" isn't big enough for you, maybe 79" will do the trick?!?  You'll pay a bit more (!!!), but you can use some of the same money-saving tips laid out above.  HERE is that "deal"!

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